Stryke Vault

  • I could only withdraw a part of my liquidity. How can I withdraw the entire deposit amount from the Stryke vault?

The vault returns un-utilised liquidity in WETH, and utilised liquidity in the form of the Stryke LP token. You need to withdraw those utilised liquidty manually from the Stryke UI.

The withdrawal on the Stryke UI, you can only withdraw the withdrawable liquidity which is shown on the right column.

It will be reverted if you select positions with 0 withdrawable liquidity.

Remaining liquidity you should either wait till liquidity become un-utilised or reserve those liquidity for withdrawal enabling you to withdraw them within next 24 hours.

please check the following guide for the detailed step

Bybit Campaign

  • How to connect Bybit Wallet ot the Stryke UI

Choose "Other Browser Wallets". If that's conflicted with your installed Metamask, please try different browser.

  • I got RPC error when interact with Stryke using Bybit Wallet

Please access and use the Stryke through the bybit web3 browser.

Last updated