🐻Orange Berachain bArtio testnet guide

1. Setting up RPC

How to Set up your Network in Metamask

  1. Open up your Metamask Wallet

  2. Click the Network chain to switch between network

  3. Scroll down until you find "Custom RPC"

  4. Fill out the setting as follows:

Network name: Berachain bArtio

New RPC URL: https://bartio.rpc.berachain.com

Chain ID: 80084

Currency symbol: BERA

Block explorer URL (Optional): https://bartio.beratrail.io

2. Claiming faucet tokens

  1. Visit faucet site, then enter your wallet address

You need at least 0.001 ETH on Ethereum Mainnet in your wallet to use the faucet.

3. Try out Berachain bArtio testnet on Orange Finance

  1. Select the StrykeKodiak HONEY-USDC Vault.

  2. Enter the amount you want to deposit.

4. Fill out our Google form to register as a testnet user.

If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out through discord.

Last updated